Posted: 23.05.2024 15:07:00

Lukashenko: Belarusian People’s Congress is political ‘nuclear weapon’, not something engaged into landscaping

The Belarusian People’s Congress work with citizens should be structured in the way so that all appeals are sent to the appropriate authorities. At the same time, people should understand that Congress is tasked not to repair fences and roofs. The President of Belarus, Chairman of the Belarusian People's Congress Aleksandr Lukashenko, commented on the issue as he met today with Congress’ Deputy Chairman Aleksandr Kosinets and Head of Secretariat Valery Mitskevich.


The Head of State noted an important emphasis in the upcoming work of the Belarusian People’s Congress: these are citizens’ appeals, which – as Aleksandr Lukashenko believes – the Congress’ delegates should primarily deal with. At the same time, the Belarusian leader emphasised that appeals may differ.

“The Belarusian People’s Congress is a completely different body, it does not repair fences and roofs. Nevertheless, we should also not ignore people’s appeals, saying that this is not our business. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange the work in the way so that – if a person applies to the Belarusian People's Congress (the Secretariat or me as Chairman) – these appeals are further sent to the appropriate authorities for their settlement. The main thing is to show people that this is not the job of the Belarusian People’s Congress. The latter is actually a sort of a political ‘nuclear weapon’ that is used in exceptional cases,” the Head of State said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasised that the Congress should make decisions only of a strategic nature – ‘not those related to fences, roof or balconies’, “At the same time – I would like to state once again – we should not wave people aside. The delegates need to establish such a connection so that, by communicating with citizens, we can ensure that their appeals are settled.”

Another topic discussed at the meeting was the interaction of the governing body (Presidium of the Belarusian People’s Congress) with the delegates. The Head of State asked how the work would be built, noting that a system should also be structured here.